Day 2 of Demolishing my Stack of Unfinished Projects
As they say, another day, another dollar
Today was a good day to finish one of my unfinished projects and I did just that! After publishing the project on Vercel, I feel ready to tackle the Charts component on more unfinished personal projects.
Charts, charts, charts
I was making good progress on my dashboard project but then, I got stuck at implementing a charts component with filters. I have paused development on that project for over a month now and found an admin dashboard tutorial on YouTube featuring a few charts. I started the tutorial project a few weeks ago and finally completed the project today.
The tutorial uses components from React Charts as well as data tables from Material UI.
I have not used Material extensively, but it is fairly easy to use and I can include it in future projects as necessary.
This tutorial was also a good refresher for me for using React Context API and a few React hooks for implemented a Dark mode toggler.
Light Mode version
Dark Mode version
Tutorial Link:
Demo Project Link: